Picking a company name is one of the most difficult parts of starting a company. However make sure you check with a Domain registration site, such as 1&1 or GoDaddy that it is available. Then make sure that it can’t be miss read.
Below are some of the best of the Domain faux pars.
1. Itscrap.com
IT Scrap
2. Whorepresents.com
Who Represents?
3. Penisland.net
Pen Island
4. Expertsexchange.com
Experts Exchange
5. Speedofart.com
Speed Of Art
6. Nobjs.org
North Of Boston Jewish Singles
7. Gotahoenorth.com
Go Tahoe North
8. Lesbocages.com
Les Bocages
9. Americanscrapmetal.com
American Scrap Metal
10. Masterbaitonline.com
Master Bait Online
11. Therapistinabox.com
Therapist In a Box
12. Analemma.org
Analemma Society
13. Therapistfinder.com
Therapist Finder
14. Wintersexpress.com
Winters Express
15. Swissbit.ch
Swiss Bit
16. Dicksonweb.com
Dickson Web (now redirected to dicksondata.com)
17. Therapist.com
18. Budget.co.ck
Budget Cook Island
19. Mp3shits.com
MP3s Hits
20. Kidsexchange.net
Kids Exchange
21. Choosespain.com
Choose Spain
22. Bendover.com
Ben Dover
23. Bitefartcafe.rs
Bitef Art Cafe
24. Powergenitalia.com
Powergen Italia (accessible only via the Wayback Machine)
25. Cumstore.co.uk
Cumbria Storage Systems (accessible only via the Wayback Machine)
26. Teacherstalking.org
Teachers Talking
27. Ladrape.com
La Drape
28. Childrenswear.co.uk
Children’s Wear
29. Molestationnursery.com
Mole Station Nursery (now redirected to molerivernursery.com)
30. Oldmanshaven.com
Old Man’s Haven